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18/11/2022 - Ramelton Re-Imagined – RRDF funding announcement

Ramelton Re-Imagined – RRDF funding announcement image


Donegal County Council is delighted to welcome the announcement by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys that €6.3m has been awarded under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF) Fourth Call for Category 1 Projects, supported by €1.5m match funding committed by Donegal County Council, for the Ramelton Re-Imagined regeneration project.


The Ramelton Re-Imagined project is a restorative and transformational town centre regeneration project that proposes a suite of integrated and heritage led public realm interventions including:

  1. The re-creation of a flexible multi-purpose civic space at Gamble’s Square delivering an enhanced capacity for civic events and social purpose;
  2. Re-instatement of the Market Cross as a civic meeting place inclusive of public seating area with a feature sculpture piece;
  3. The formation of a new multi-user public park environment at ‘the Bing’ to include a public garden and events space, children’s play park, sensory and adventure trail to ensure all abilities access and maximum opportunities for rest, play and gathering;
  4. Creation of a usable public space at Market Square including new paved shared surface and street furniture;
  5. A new public realm environment at the Quays with re-prioritisation for pedestrian priority use through the introduction of new surface materials and street furniture;
  6. Restoration, repurposing and additional new build at the House on the Brae, Bridge Street, to provide for a community facility incorporating co-working area and digital/creative hub, office accommodation, exhibition space, multi-purpose room and associated staff facilities and storage space; and
  7. New and improved surface and footpath upgrades, enhancements to public lighting, drainage and utilities, connection to services, landscaping, development related signage & public art within the overall development area.


Design Team services on this project are being delivered by international design practice, BDP, and the funding now secured will enable the completion of the Detailed Design and the preparation of a Tender Package to facilitate the appointment of a contractor to deliver the Ramelton Re-Imagined project.


The Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council, Cllr Liam Blaney, welcomed the announcement saying “this further award of funding for Ramelton confirms the ongoing endorsement by government of the importance of investing in our rural towns to strengthen them as key service centres that can properly meet the needs of the wider rural population”. “This significant investment will re-energise Ramelton as an attractive and exceptional place for its existing community and will greatly enhance its tourism offering, visitor experience and job creation potential. I would like to commend all involved in advancing this project to this important stage and to thank the Minister for the confidence placed in the potential of Ramelton.”


Chief Executive of Donegal County Council, John G. McLaughlin said, “this is a very important investment in the valued heritage town of Ramelton, which will enable the Council to deliver a uniquely transformational regeneration project rooted in the principles of restoring and re-imagining the town’s Historic core”. “This is critical work in supporting our rural communities and ensuring the continued development of our towns as vibrant and creative settlements that are great places to live in, to invest in and to visit, and I would like to acknowledge the community based collaborations that make this work possible. The Council is committed to delivering this project through the ongoing work of our Capital Projects Delivery Unit together with the collaboration of the local community and key stakeholders.”


Speaking about the announcement, Liam Ward, Director of Community Development and Planning Services, said, “Ramelton is an incredibly valuable and exceptional asset within our County and the success of this project is testament to this”. “The Ramelton Re-imagined project prioritises place-making, outdoor and civic space and pedestrian accessibility and specifically builds on the Ramelton Action Plan representing a significant commitment to the renewal and regeneration of this valuable heritage town as a unique destination with a distinctive sense of place. The dedicated and co-ordinated work of our Regeneration and Development Team together with the collaboration of the local community has led to this successful announcement.”


Work will continue now to procure a contractor and progress to site, with an anticipated construction period of 12